Last updated albums |

HD Screencaptures2009 viewsApr 06, 2017
Category |
Albums |
Files |
| AppearancesPhotos from different events Imogen attended over the years. |
159 |
6,406 |
| CandidsPhotos from different sightings over the years. |
125 |
2,357 |
| PhotoshootsPhotos taken by professional photographers for publicity purposes. |
164 |
1,186 |
| MoviesStills, On the Set Photos, Promoshoots & Caps from the motion pictures she starred in. |
154 |
43,631 |
| TelevisionEpisode Stills, Promoshoots & Episode Screencaps from her television shows. |
25 |
5,554 |
| TheatreProduction photos, promotional shoots from her stage work. |
9 |
43 |
| CampaignsPhotos from Advertising Campaigns she lend her image to. |
| Magazine ScansScans from different magazines she was featured in over the years. |
2 |
9 |
| ScreencapturesCaps from different television appearances, psas, shoot backstages & etc. |
2 |
498 |
| MiscellaneousVarious photos that didn't fit in any of the categories listed above. |